When : February 24-25, 2022
Where : Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin (Italy) and online via Zoom
Audience: almost 70 people, considering online and offline participants
The special session “Data and models for the design, monitoring and evaluation of employment policies at the local level” at II LABORatorio Revelli Biannual Workshop “Technological change, health inequality and data for policy evaluation” was organized by Collegio Carlo Alberto in the context of Youth Employment project PartenerSHIP. The conference was opened by the presentation of the international best practices developed within the Youth Employment research project partnerSHIP , which analyzed youth employment policies in 4 countries (Italy, Spain, Poland and Hungary).

During the morning, public policy evaluation initiatives were presented and compared, with the direct intervention of researchers from local authorities who carried out their implementation. The session was chaired by Claudia Villosio (Collegio Carlo Alberto) and hosted the following presentations:
- Valentina Battiloro (ASVAPP) Building an active policy intervention and evaluating it using administrative data: the case of the project “Article + 1” Slide
- Silvia Duranti (IRPET) Impact assessment with administrative data: Tuscany’s experience in the field of employment policies Slide
- Giorgio Vernoni (IRES) Evaluate first, evaluate later: food for thought from the experience of the POR FSE of Piedmont Slide
- Sofia De Carolis (University of Turin) and Monica Bosia (Piedmont Labor Agency)
Six years after the reform of the Public Employment Services: an implementation evaluation – Slide

Panel discussion
The final panel discussion, chaired by Roberto Leonbruni (University of Turin and LABOR), saw the participation of Fabio Rapiti (ISTAT), Maria Savona (SPRU Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex UK and Luiss University), Riccardo Salomone (University of Trento and Trento Employment Agency) and Massimo Tamiatti (Piedmont Employment Agency). The discussant spoke about the role of administrative data in policy evaluations. They are increasingly available and useful for carrying out the assessments. Another issue covered was the ownership rights of data generated by work.

Poster session
The workshop also hosted a poster session, for which the following works were selected:
- Fabio Berton, Stefano Dughera , Andrea Ricci, “Are unions detrimental to innovation ? Theory and evidence ” Abstract – Poster – Video
- Andrea Borsato , André Lorentz, “Data production and the co-evolving AI trajectories: An attempted evolutionary model” Abstract – Poster – Video
- Francesco Carbonero , Jeremy Davies, Ekkehard Ernst, Frank M. Fossen, Daniel Samaan, Alina Sorgner , “The impact of artificial intelligence on labor markets in developing countries: A new method with an illustration for Lao PDR and Viet Nam” Abstract – Poster – Video
- Stefano Dughera , Francesco Quatraro , Andrea Ricci, Claudia Vittori , “Technological externalities and wage premium: new evidence from Italian labor markets” Abstract – Poster – Video
- Valerio Intraligi , Claudia Vittori, Andrea Ricci, “Job polarization in Italy : structural change and routinization ” Abstract – Poster – Video
- Giovanni Minchio , “Impact of the amendment to art.18 on Piedmont workers’ skills” Abstract – Poster – Video
- Ainoa Aparicio Fenoll , Judit Vall Castello, “The impact of job security on workers’ health” Abstract – Poster – Video
- Elena Bassoli , Agar Brugiavini , Irene Ferrari, “Care provision at the time of the Covid-19: who suffers most” Abstract – Poster – Video
- Enrica Croda , “The socioeconomic status gradient in pain: A cross-country analysis” Abstract – Poster – Video
- Jennifer Chubinski , Sarah E. Walsh, “Exploring mental health and coping among the most vulnerable older adults in the early months of COVID-19 in the United States” Abstract – Poster – Video
- Simone Chinetti, “Later life human capital investment: Evidence from the unintended effects of a pension reform” Abstract – Poster – Video
- Cinzia Di Novi, Paolo Paruolo , Stefano Verzillo , “The role of employment protection legislation in shaping the impact of job disruption on older workers’ mental health in times of COVID-19” Abstract – Poster – Video

“Riccardo Revelli” prize
The “Riccardo Revelli” prize for the best poster of a young researcher was awarded to Simone Chinetti for the research “Late-in-life investments in human capital”.