When: February 24-25, 2022
Where: Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin (Italy) and online [ZOOM meeting]
In the framework of the Youth Employment PartnerSHIP project, the partner Collegio Carlo Alberto has organized a policy-oriented session “Data and models for the design, monitoring and evaluation of labour market policies at local level” (in Italian) to collect and discuss the experiences of researchers and practitioners in the use of models and data for the design, monitoring and evaluation of employment policies at local level.
In recent decades, policies which aim to improve the conditions of specific groups of subjects – individuals, families, firms – by offering a service, providing an incentive, or some combination thereof have assumed increasing importance. At the same time, there is an increasing need of providing clear and detailed answers to the questions: “Was the intervention effective? Has the target it was designed for actually been reached?”. The growing availability and knowledge in the use of administrative data for statistical purposes is helping answering these questions more and more precisely. The aim of the workshop is to compare initiatives implemented in different regions and local contexts, to present the results and to discuss which opportunities are already available and which are the most interesting future prospects.
Invited speakers: Valentina Battiloro (ASVAPP), Monica Bosia (Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro),Sofia De Carolis (Università di Torino), Silvia Duranti (IRPET), Fabio Rapiti (ISTAT), Riccardo Salomone (Università di Trento e Agenzia del Lavoro di Trento), Maria Savona (SPRU Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex UK e Università Luiss), Riccardo Salomone (Università di Trento e Agenzia del Lavoro di Trento), Massimo Tamiatti (Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro) and Giorgio Vernoni (IRES)
The session is part of the II Biannual Workshop “Technological Change, Health, Inequality and Data for Policy Evaluation” organized by LABORatorio Revelli – Center for Employment Studies and Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto, within the Youth Employment PartnerSHIP project, and stems from the LABORatorio’s twenty-year experience in the study of labor market dynamics and aims to promote the exchange of research ideas among the scientific community.
→ conference website and program
→ Youth Employment PartnerSHIP – Italian session